So, as some of you would know. We didn't make it to The Market. Bummed. Sometimes the kiddies just have to come first though. Poor Arj has had yet another ear infection. Being in Hobart at 11pm with him screaming in pain and no idea even if a pharmacy was open we had to take him to emergency. The staff were wonderful (especially on Grand Final Night - poor things) and I'm sure they got him in extra quickly. They put local anesthetic drops in his ear - the BEST thing ever. Wish we had some of them every time. Now he's OK thank goodness.
We did a long slow drive home as Sam and I were feeling pretty naff from being up all night then thankfully got a good nights sleep Sunday. Lucky because Monday night Sam, Chloe and I all got some sort of gastro. I jinxed myself because I'd just told someone that day that we'd been lucky so far and not had that happen. How is it possible to look after your kids in this situation? I was so glad Mum and Dad are back from Argentina and came bearing Lucozade. Changed Chloe's bed and provided some decent food for Arj as well as numerous other jobs. Thanks Mum and Dad!
I'm planning a sale in the online shops cos I've got an awful lot of stock and no markets currently booked. Will let you know when I get it together. Oh, and, I've finally jumped on the Facebook bandwagon and have a business page. I'll give "likers" 10% off online prices (excluding postage and cannot be used with other discounts) until the end of November. Go
here to have a sticky beak.