Friday, September 10


It would be nice to stop singing the Bob the Builder theme song in my head. Even just for an hour. Aaarrrgh.

We're going through a Bob watching stage here and we've discovered our builder friend has an apprentice called Chloe. My Chloe is totally thrilled by this and has been building with Duplo all morning. We scored a whole Duplo farm set at the Op Shop yesterday. Bargain! I love a good Op shop trawl.


Kate said...

That is an excellent op shop find!

Fer said...

Duplo is the best!

Isis said...

:) but lego is even better, i still haven't grown out of it

Nikki said...

I hear ya .... and I sing along.

I'm over it.... and I'm glad that the Wiggles phase is over.

Poppy Fay said...

The song in my head at the moment is the one the children sing when they do 'Show and Tell' at daycare. Maddy sings it at home on repeat. It goes like this: 'what? what? what's in the box? what's in the box to-DAY?'